Never Grow Up kinect installation

Before Never Grow Up grew up as a VR art game, it was exhibited as an interactive installation. Or at least level 2 was.

For 2 weeks in October 2021, we camped (or some of us did) at Le Labo, masked and all (COVID remember?),
and welcomed brave visitors by appointment only.

The exhibit gave us an extra push to put our shoulders behind the project, despite the pandemic which scrambled our initial planning.
We  used the software licences graciously provided by our technology partners Flipside XR and Masterpiece Studio to test out motion capture and sculpting in VR resp., using our headsets as our work environment instead of our desktop computer screens.

Old habits die hard, and my team decided to use these animation tools less than initially hoped for- mostly by me by the way, the creative director. I still think they are valuable tools for quick prototyping and for creatives with less experience in these domains, as they will not have to re-learn or adapt their proven work methods. Maybe we thought of them too much as time savers- which they weren't - , rather than chances to explore new ways of doing certain things, resulting ultimately in new discoveries.

We continued developing the VR version of Never Grow Up, which will be available for download somewhere in 2023. First, taking a chance sending it to festival who all want their premieres,.. but that can be the subject of a whole other devlog.

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